How to manage payment recipients in Jyske Corporate Banking?

See how you can save, edit and delete payment recipients.

Start by logging in to Jyske Corporate Banking (see instructions).

Save a payment recipient

You can save a payment recipient in two ways.

  1. While setting up a payment instruction:
    1. Create a payment instruction as you would normally do (instructions).
    2. Tick off the box "Save recipient" at the bottom of the page.
    3. Complete payment by clicking "Transfer" or "Pay".
    4. Now you will see the details saved. Add or delete any relevant details, so they correspond with the details that you want to save.
    5. Finish by clicking "Save".
  2. By selecting "Payments" and then "Saved recipients" in the menu:
    1. At the top, you can choose whether the recipient is domestic or foreign (non-Danish).
    2. Select "New recipient" to the right.
    3. Fill in the fields that you want to apply to future payments.
    4. Finish by clicking "Save".

Edit details for a saved payment recipient

  1. Select "Payments" > "Saved recipients" in the menu.
  2. At the top, you can choose whether the recipient is domestic or foreign.
  3. Select 'Edit' on the right-hand side of the relevant recipient.
  4. Make the required changes.
  5. Finish with “Save”.

Delete a payment recipient

  1. Select "Payments" and "Saved recipients"
  2. At the top, you can choose whether you want to delete a domestic or foreign (non-Danish) recipient.
  3. Find the relevant recipient.
  4. Select "Delete" on the right-hand side of the recipient.  
  5. Confirm that you want to delete this recipient.